Move Over Mozart and Windsor Performing Arts are combining their magic to provide the ultimate camp this summer! Our summer camp offers a well-rounded experience with daily activities in visual art, dance, drama and music! Campers will have the opportunity to take a break from the shelter-in-place in a responsible way with all safety precautions. Please see our camp overview to learn about how we will be offering responsible care for our campers. Each day includes uplifting, hands-on, activities that will be enjoyed in both indoor and outdoor settings.
Our team of caring and experienced Camp Leaders will provide instruction to campers with age appropriate material and techniques. Each session will end with a Friday video showcase to share what our campers have learned at camp.
Camp Session Overview:
Each half-day (morning and afternoon), campers will participate in four, 50-minute activity tracks of: drama, dance, music and visual art. The morning activities will be unique from the afternoon. During these tracks, campers will perform drama skits, learn fun and energizing dance moves/routines, learn how to play a song on the keyboard and create a visual art project.
Camp Session Themes:
Session 1 | July 13-17: Disney Movies & Broadway Hits - the activities for this session will be fused with crowd pleasers.
Session 2 | July 20-24: Our Planet. Our Future. - the activities for this session will focus on reusing as we create and will incorporate messaging for a positive future (for both our environment and self).
Safety Shields:
Heather Cullen, Director of Windsor Performing Arts Academy, has designed a protective shield called "The Sing Safe Shield" that will be making a debut at camp. The safety shield is designed to let Oxygen in and Carbon Dioxide out without the transfer of particulates from nose and mouth. While wearing this Sing Safe shield, facial expressions can be seen and voices are clearer and heard better. If any parents would like to have their child wear a safety shield, we will be offering these at camp for $10 each.
Reserve your spot today - we look forward to having your child at camp!

Camp Location: 830 McClelland Drive, Windsor, CA 95492
Camp Sessions: session 1 on July 13th - 17th & session 2 on July 20 - 24th
Full-day Campers: from 8 am - 5 pm; $400/session (campers will need to bring their own packaged lunch)
Half-day Campers: from 8 am - 12 pm or 1pm - 5 pm; $200/session

NOTE: once on the registration page, please look for the orange Sign Up button on page 1 and Sign Up bar at the bottom of page 2.